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Vitajte na stránke nášho projektu "Ako sme priniesli kúsok Afriky do školy" alebo "This time for Africa"

Náš projekt je zameraný na spoluprácu našich žiakov a nás, učiteľov, s kenskou školou Moi High School Kasigau. Spolupracujeme so študentami z tamojšej školy a ich učiteľmi. Komunikujeme a vymieňame si materály prostredníctvom mailov, chatu, facebooku, no i vzájomnými návštevami, ktoré nám umožňuje nadácia Pontis a  Microsoft. Práve vďaka nim sa táto spolupráca uskutočnila a my sa ju snažíme rozvíjať a udržiavať. 

Z Afriky sme si priniesli množstvo dokumentačného materiálu, ktorý sme zostrihali do krátkeho videa. Pozreli sme si spolu s deťmi fotky a videá zo safari, zo školy v Rukange a hlavného mesta Nairobi.

Deti videli iný spôsob života ako u nás, podmienky, v ktorých sa africké deti učia. Tiež videli zvieratá vo voľnej prírode, ktoré u nás žijú len v ZOO. Tento ich záujem nás motivoval vytvoriť virtuálnu ZOO s africkými zvieratami na internete.


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 After participation in the project Increasing PC literacy of teachers and students in south-east Kenya we used our experience and a huge amount of documentary material from Africa as a motivation for Slovak pupils to establish cooperation with Moi High School Kasigau, Kenya. The pupils from the Primary School Bošany, Slovakia saw a different way of life and the conditions in which African children are taught. They also saw the wildlife that can be only seen at the zoo. Their interest was a good motivation for creating a virtual zoo, a kind of digital encyclopedia of African animals on the Internet. The Slovak and Kenyan students were looking for information and pictures, taking photos and making videos. The cooperation between the schools was based on communication via e-mails and facebook.

In June 2010 we went to Kenya to train our Kenyan colleagues from the Kasigau area on the proper usage of information and communication technologies in the teaching process. The project “Increasing PC literacy of teachers and students in South-Eastern Kenya (the Kasigau area) ” was based on the successful adaptation of the Microsoft’s Slovak educational project “Innovative Teacher” and supported from the funds of the official Slovak development aid – Slovak Aid. The main goal was to provide the Kenyan domestic teachers with a 10-day ICT training in their homeland followed by exchange trips to the Slovak schools, with the aim to train the teachers in basic Microsoft Office and internet-user skills, making them able to use these abilities in their own classes and to spread newly acquired knowledge to their colleagues. Apart from this the familiarity with PC and internet will help the young generation look for job opportunities and it will also increase chances of the region’s people to develop eco-tourism.